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Loyrette, Henri. Degas, a new vision. Victoria: National Gallery of Victoria, 2016.
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Jones, Owen. The Grammar of Ornament. A visual Reference of form and colour in Architecture and the decorative Arts. New Jersey: Princeton, 2016.
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Jacques Jordaens. Homer, Hesiod & Aesop: Mith Fable & Basic Insticts. London: Matthiesen Gallery, 2018.
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Andrew Wyeth. Pennsylvania: Academy of Fine Arts, 1966.
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Hess, Thomas B. Willem de Kooning. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, ca. 1968.
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Heugten, Sjraar van. Van Gogh and the seasons. Australia: National Gallery of Victoria and Art Exhibitions, 2018.
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Hall, Nicholas. Nemesis. Titian´s fatal women. New York: Nicholas Hall and Paul Joannides, 2018.
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A Golden age of European Art. Celebrating fifty years of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation. Houston: Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation, 2016.
Il Giovanne Tintoretto. A cura di Roberta Battaglia, … Venezia: Gallerie dell´Accademia, 7 settembre 2018 – 6 gennaio 2019.
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Florentine Codex. General History of the Things of New Spain. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún. Utah: The University of Utah Press, 1981. (The School of American Research).
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Fifty Works by Fifty British Women Artists 1900 – 1950. Ed. By Sacha Llewellyn. London: The Ambulatory at The Mercers´ Company, 3 December 2018 – 23 March 2019.
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Fairbrother, Trevor J. Family ties: a contemporary perspective. Massachusetts: Peabody Essex Museum, summer 2003.
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Clunas, Craig. Chinese painting and its audiences. Princeton, New Yersey: Princeton University Press, 2016.
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Clifford, Timothy. Choice: Twenty-One Years of Collecting for Scotland. Edinburg: National Galleries of Scotland, 2005.
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Carlier, Marie-Amélie. Art du moyen âge & de la renaissance. Paris: Brimo de Laroussilhe: 23 novembre 2018 au 26 janvier 2019.
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Le cabinet de la méridienne. Versailles: Chateau de Versailles, le 23 mars 2015.
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